Cushman: 10 Steps to Pick an Office Headquarters

Cushman: 10 Steps to Pick an Office Headquarters

Choosing a new company headquarters today is way more involved than finding a downtown or suburban building that has the most visible signage to display the business’ brand (though that doesn’t hurt). A company’s leadership has a lot to take into consideration that...
Suburban Office Changes Help Drive Pricing Boost

Suburban Office Changes Help Drive Pricing Boost

Overall commercial real estate pricing increased seven percent year over year as of November in 2018, according to a recent Real Capital Analytics report, showing that the industry’s value didn’t decrease last year, despite worries about its growth cycle ending. Two...
Foreign-Investment Dollars Rise More Than Other CRE Buys

Foreign-Investment Dollars Rise More Than Other CRE Buys

While overall investment in U.S. commercial real estate buys has only increased slightly, the amount of foreign dollars being put into domestic properties jumped during the first half of the year, according to a recent National Real Estate Investor article, citing...
Q2 SoCal Retail Thrives Despite Sector Challenges

Q2 SoCal Retail Thrives Despite Sector Challenges

With the strong advent of Amazon, brick-and-mortar retail doesn’t have a lot of optimism right now. But Southern California’s retail sector of commercial real estate seems to be holding up well, despite reports of doom and gloom. A recent Colliers International report...