Multifamily Demand Still Strong Despite New Development

There has been a lot of talk about the multifamily market and when a bubble could possibly burst with this hot commercial real estate sector. Well, that certainly hasn’t happened yet, and it doesn’t look like it will take place in the near future. CoStar says that...

Dallas Apartment Market Spurs Construction

One of our professionals, David Kilgo, went to the Dallas Crittenden conference recently and saw how the hot multifamily market is not losing steam. He is optimistic that it will remain that way.  Also,  he spoke with colleagues about the DFW market’s future in this...

From the Floor @ MBA CREF15: Charles Victor

At the recent MBA’s CREF15 conference GRS Group’s representation included several of its top employees, among them CEO Charles Victor. We were lucky to catch Chuck during a break between his several meetings at the show. He discussed where the industry is...

Historical Building Due Diligence in Seattle

GRS Group’s assessment arm, GRS | Corteq, recently helped perform several due diligence services on two historical buildings in Downtown Seattle in a transaction worth $23 million. The assets were the 70,000-square-foot Broderick Building, built 114 years ago,...